Virtual Tours and Explorations
So many of us find it difficult to visit not only distance places but also some of our favorite spots close to home. Over the past few months, I've spent some time exploring from home with the kids. There are so many places out there to explore but here are some to get you started ...

Exploring Nature ...
10 of the Best Virtual Tours of the World's Natural Wonders
33 National Park Virtual Tours
Amazon Rainforest Virtual Tour
Explore National Parks on Google Earth
National Marine Sanctuaries Virtual Dives
Virtual Tour Carlsbad Caverns
Virtual Tour of Central Park
Virtual Tours of the Grand Canyon
Virtual Tours Tanzania (Serengeti and more)

Touring Museums ...
75 Best Virtual Museum Tours Around the World
American Research Center in Egypt Virtual Tours
Explore the American Museum of Natural History
British Museum: Museum of the World
Center of Science and Industry (COSI) Virtual Tours
Cincinnati Zoo Home Safari
Freedom Center Online Exhibits
National Air and Space Museum Virtual Tour
National Archives Online Exhibits
National Museum of African American History and Culture Online Exhibits
National Museum of the American Indian Virtual Field Trips